The Oregon Coast Military Museum is holding its first annual golf tournament Saturday September 22nd at the new Florence Golf Links on 35th Street in Florence. A fun and unique event that is going to feature a different format on each hole! Plus, raffle prizes, hole-in-one for a boat, closest to the pin; and longest drive for both women and men! The $100 registration fee includes the award dinner following the tournament, served at the Museum on Kingwood Street, with food by Pop's Smokehouse.
This is a critical fundraiser to maintain the Museum’s mission “To Honor our Veterans by educating our Public”
Registration information is attached and can also be found attached here, on the Museum’s website, - oregoncoastmilitarymuseum.com, or you can contact Event Chair JP Badel at 209-642-9884 and jpbadel79@gmail.com. Registration deadline is September 15!
The Oregon Coast Military Museum is located at 2145 Kingwood Street in Florence, and open to the public Wednesday through Sunday, from noon until 4:00 p.m.
Cal Applebee 541-999-4175 or cal97439@gmail.com