Cal Applebee
Feb 28, 2019
Upcoming Events
March has roared in like a lion, and there are plenty of opportunities in our community to fulfill our mission to honor our Veterans. We...
Cal Applebee
Feb 13, 2019
Oregon Coast Military Museum Visits Civil War
The next Military Heritage Day for the Oregon Coast Military Museum is set for Saturday, February 23rd at 2:00 p.m. at the Florence...
Cal Applebee
Dec 27, 2018
Military Museum Holds Board Elections
The Oregon Coast Military Museum held its annual elections at its December monthly meeting and the following were elected as officers:...
Cal Applebee
Nov 23, 2018
Oregon Memorial Traveling Wall Project
The Oregon Coast Military Museum is extremely pleased to announce that the Oregon Memorial Traveling Wall project is coming to the Museum...
Cal Applebee
Nov 21, 2018
Annual Festival of Trees
A "Family Fun Event" will be offered to the community on Saturday, November 24, from 10am to 4pm at the 6th Annual Festival of Trees,...