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Merry Christmas

We had a great Festival of Trees during Thanksgiving Weekend - I can't thank everyone enough for the effort and success for this event which is our major fundraiser to keep our doors open. So many folks put so much time and effort into it - I won't try to thank all individually, but our Table Sponsors and Tree Sponsors helped underwrite the event so thanks! A lot of Volunteer hours went into being spearheaded by Committee Co-Chairs Cindy Wobbe & Lynn Malispino-Badel - thanks Ladies for your tireless efforts. They were assisted by a great bunch of elves, Ross, Jodi and Maria particularly. And of course, all of you who purchased trees, wreaths & stockings - this is such a great, giving community and it's nice to know we all appreciate the military heritage of our Veterans and their families. We are partnering with Lane Community College and offering a class on Oregon's Past Military History during their Winter Term. Six classes will be held in January, February and March at the Museum on Wednesday evenings. You can find details on our website under Upcoming Events, and register by emailing: or calling us at 541-902-5160. Seating is limited! Just like a lot of non-profit organizations in our community, we can not function without our Volunteers - and they need more help. If you would like to check out our volunteering opportunities, please contact Geoff Cannon Thursday thru Saturday at the Museum, or call him at 541-902-5160. Watch your mail - electronic as well as snail - for membership renewals for 2018! The Board has approved a new membership program starting January 1 and we need you to enlist in our ranks to support us! See you soon - Thanks!

Image by RetroSupply
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